
Tool-less metal casting

Order metal casting parts with a few clicks


Limitless Capacity

Access hundreds of metal casting foundries in one place. We cooperate with metal casting professionals all over the globe to provide you instant production capacity you need. In addition, our network offers wide-range capabilities of casting technologies and a variety of metal alloys.

Build-in Quality

We are constantly working with our Partners to keep the quality at its highest. Our partners often are ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D certified, ITAR registered, and offer CoCs, material certifications, finishing certifications, inspection reports, and hardware certifications.

Fastest Service

Our AI-enhanced searching algorithms are working arm-in-arm with our experienced staff to get you the best offer in the fastest possible time. In addition, we work with our Partner foundries to deliver the parts you are looking for while taking care of your business.

We never guess, we know

We use our years of experience in metal casting, additive manufacturing, and computer simulations to bring your products to life faster than ever.

Our mission

We are closing the gap between traditional casting and the new era of digital manufacturing. We harness the power of additive manufacturing, generative design, and material science to offer our customers the best quality at the best price with the fastest service. So order your cast in one place and enjoy your extra time while taking care of the job.

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